Ahammed Rufaid

    Pentester . bugbounty hunter . Web developer , software test


    About me

    Hey, my name is Ahammed Rufaid .

    Iam a pentester, webdevelper, Software tester, bugbounty hunter, Content creator at udemy and youtube .

    As my whole journey was done by my self , learned everybit of knowledge on online.

    As I work hard,  Iam a good teacher,  and motivation speaker .

    I worked as software tester , web pentester,  bugbounty hunter, web development

    Iam a front-end and back-end webdevelper, who cares security more than anything.

    I do keep making studying about css for more styling

    You can connect with me using any link. Mostly I don't use LinkedIn

    So connect with me on twitter and instagram 

    As I love to speech if you are ready to listen.  Follow me for more free course



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