Learn how to install Ansible automation technology with some real-life examples.
Every successful IT department needs automation nowadays for bare metal servers, virtual machines, could, containers, and edge computing.
Start your automation journey with a successful installation of the Ansible automation technology.
You are going to start with the installation of Ansible in RedHat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, CentOS Stream, Fedora, Suse, OpenSuse, Ubuntu, and macOS using the most command package manager and archives.
For Developers, if you prefer the latest version of Ansible a video lesson also using PIP, the Python Package Manager.
How to install and maintain Ansible in the most common Operating Systems: Ubuntu, RHEL, CentOS, CentOS Stream, Fedora, SLES, OpenSuse, macOS, and Windows.
Each of the 20 lessons summarizes a different operating system and installation scenario: a comparison of the different options available and the advantage to use a solution or another. Video lessons with interactive demo and code are included. Each command is battle proved in the real life. Console interaction and verification are included in every video.
There is some Ansible installation process usable in all the Linux systems, with the specificity of RedHat-like systems, Debian-like, and macOS systems.
Some basic skill in console/terminal interaction is required but not necessary.
● Install Ansible in RedHat-like operating systems
● Install Ansible in Debian-like operating systems
● Install Ansible in Suse-like operating systems
● Install Ansible on MacOS
● Linux System Administrator
● Automation DevOps
● Cloud Engineer
● IT Professional