Embedded Systems with Mbed™ C on STM32 (Arm® Cortex M4)

Embedded Systems with Mbed™ C on STM32 (Arm® Cortex M4)

Embedded Systems with Mbed™ C on STM32 (Arm® Cortex M4)

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  • 5 hours of on-demand video
  • Instructor - Rahul Shrivastava
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and Laptop

This course Demystifies the development of Embedded Systems. You will learn Mbed™ C programming to use inbuilt peripherals on the microcontroller to interface sensors, actuators, and Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD). You will learn to generate Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Waveforms with variable duty cycle and frequency. Learn to use analog to digital converter (ADC) to gather data from analog sensors and display it to LCDs.

All the codes (C Programs) are available in resources along with the lecture material.

Major Topics Covered

1. GPIOs: Learn to manipulate (Set/Reset) a particular bit of STM32 Microcontroller and also use it as an input pin.
2. Pull-up Register: Learn the importance of pull-up resistors, enabling and disabling them, also learn to use them in interfacing digital sensors.
3. Interrupts: Learn, how interrupts are handled in CPU? Also learn to write ISR and call them in an event of an interruption.
4.Pulse Width Modulation: Learn to generate PWM waves with variable duty cycles and variable frequencies.
5. Project 1: Learn to interface DC Motor using L293D Motor drive IC and control the speed and direction.
6. Liquid Crystal Display: Learn to interface LCDs with MCU using GPIOs.
7. Analog to Digital Converter: Learn to interface analog sensors such as a potentiometer and LM35 Temperature sensor.
8. Temperature Monitoring System: Learn to interface LM35 temperature sensor IC to read ambient temperature and display the same on LCD.

1. Expectations from the course
2. Hello Embedded Systems!!
3. Getting Started to STM32 and Mbed
4. Play with GPIOs (General Purpose Input Outputs)!!
5 Interrupts
6. Pulse Width Modulation
7. Project - 1: Controlling the Speed and Direction of DC Motor
8. Serial Communication with PC/Hyper Terminal
9. Analog to Digital Converter
10. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)

I am a certified trainer with over 11 years of experience as a professional trainer and product design engineer. My areas of interest are Embedded System design, IoT design, front end VLSI design. Certified in the Internet of Things, Embedded system, and VLSI. My teaching strategy is to start slow and then gradually increase complexity to ensure that students achieve learning outcomes.

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